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---- qualified leads found today

We find high quality clients for your business with AI

Custom AI search models to find qualified leads from anywhere on the web.
Get Started
Your first 50 leads are free
Plans start at $0.20 per lead
AI lead discovery

Stop using the same contact lists as everyone else.

Start building your own.

Totally custom search models

Whatever the criteria, our AI search model can work with it. We work with every business to create a custom search model based on your requirements

Continuous AI crawling

Our AI crawls the web looking for leads based on your unique criteria

Automatic enrichment and qualifying

Emails and signals are captured automatically

Live alerts

Get alerts via email or in Slack whenever new leads are found

How it works

We can start searching in as little as 48 hours – and you only pay when we find profiles you like!
Get Started

We create your ideal profile

Our team works with you to create your ideal customer profile and a bespoke search model to target them

Our AI finds qualified leads

Profilescope's AI crawler continually trawls the web looking for customers, based on any criteria we set

Auto profile enrichment

We enrich the profiles, finding contact info for all the people we can


Receive alerts when new profiles are found, and only pay for profiles you export

Export to your favorite CRM

Export to CSV

No duplicates, ever

Ready to outsmart your competition with truly unique leads?

We can start searching in as little as 48 hours – and you only pay when we find profiles you like!
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Part of Never Before Seen Group – a venture studio specialising in B2B SaaS. We partner with leading startups as product consultants, as well as launching businesses of our own.

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© ---- Never Before Seen Group Pty Ltd
Made from Melbourne, London, India, Poland and New York City